My music
When I was nine years old, I had a dream. I saw myself older in a red dress, singing on a stage. I was the kid my family endlessly told to“stop singing!” My grade five teacher told my Mom that he felt I might have a future singing; they all still told me to “stop singing,”… I never stopped. And there’s been a lot of music in my life. I’ve been singing and writing song ideas down ever since. My cousin recently sent me a song lyric that I must have written while I was at her farm, hanging out, let’s just say, a hella long time ago.
I am passionate about life, nature, animals, and, lately, writing about what rolls through my thoughts on any given day. I was an avid reader in my teens and a daily journal writer until I married the most incredible man. The journals stopped. We started a family, it got busy, and my thoughts became us thoughts.
The CD “Such a Beautiful Life” was produced by a good friend and incredible Nashville Hit Writer, Tim Johnson, who passed away too young from cancer, leaving behind his beautiful wife and two children who are now young adults. His strength throughout his illness, his jokes kept everyone who knew him rolling. He and my favorite Uncle Bob, who also died from cancer, taught me to live each day forward, to be present in this moment!
We recorded this project during Tim's illness. I was pregnant again! We had tears after I sang his song in the studio, one that he wrote solo, and I wanted people to hear it since it hadn’t been cut by another artist yet, a song he wrote about a friend of his who died of cancer. “The Apology.” I am so proud of each project I’ve completed. This one with my bud Tim was extra special. Our wealth, our greatest success is our family. He and I both spoke about our significant others with the same love, dedication, the same joy. He was my brother from another mother.
Stories of love and heartache connect us all. A song sure can turn your frown upside down! The next time you’re playing a song, dancing in your kitchen, and your kids tell you to stop! Don’t stop! It’s a great life lesson…